“Who looks outside dreams, who looks inside awakens.”
-Carl Jung

Mindful transformation is a journey to the self…

As a Life Coach and as a Reiki Master, I embrace a holistic, integrative approach to transformation & healing. With a mind-body-spirit approach, the goal is to assist the person in their unique journey of mindful transformation.



One on One & Family Sessions:

Online or In person Life Coaching Sessions: the sessions are offered in a safe, warm and welcoming environment. “Paloma is absolutely amazing. Her energy is full of love.” (Michelle Charosky, google review). “She gives off such a calming energy and really took the time to listen and understand what I was going through.” (Shantelle Screen, google review).

The idea is that you come and feel safe to let your guard down, to open up, and you take the time to work together. You will be listened to and cared for while I use tools to support you in your unique journey of transformation. It may not always feel blissful and smily, but it would certainly feel you can go through anything in life because you will have the tools and the support to grow through crisis and also experience blissful moments.

With a Masters degree in Mental Health Counseling, experience in Trauma Incident Reduction, Energy work, Yoga Nidra and a certification in Mindful Life Coaching, I integrate all these different modalities to make it happen. The format of the sessions vary. Either Online or In person, a mix of energy work, conversation, light movement or meditation is the most common form of session with me.

Usually, coaching sessions are sought by those who are looking for a change in their direction, or need some support to get through difficult times, or are having a particular life experience that needs help from a professional. Either you feel you want to transform in any way, or to heal something in your life, or “treat” anxiety, depression, addictions, I’m here to support you in your life journey.

Coaching sessions cost $150 each or you can buy a pack of 4 sessions for a discounted rate of $480 (*some discounts may apply when working on sliding scale, if available at that moment)

Energy Treatments: If what you need is to balance your energy, help with symptoms of discomfort, or symply recharge, I offer individual or group sessions as a Reiki Master. One on one energy healing sessions are offered at my private space in Hollywood, FL. Some energy healing treatments may also include sound healing with bowls, drums and other instruments. Currently offering my services outdoor or indoor in my private studio.

One on One Sessions $120 each or $400 for a pack of 4 sessions. Group Sessions price vary.

Group Classes:

Mindful movement & Energy Dance or Meditation en Movimiento: This is a unique class that I designed and created with all my love and knowledge. It combines all of my experience and knowledge in energy work, mental health, healing trauma with movement, trauma and the body, mindfulness, meditation, reiki, drumming, acting and even zumba. Yes. Coming from a personal need to integrate aspects of the self to feel in harmony and to explore depths that otherwise have been difficult to explore, I started to develop this practice over two years ago. In this class you will have an opportunity to connect with your inner self and to express it out loud! Or, as soft as you want.. You’ll get a chance to get more deeply into contact with your different bodies (Phisical, mental, emotional and spiritual or ethereal body). In this class you will meditate, explore inner aspects of yourself, move and even dance with the sounds of the drums !

Sound Healing/ Yoga Nidra/ Reiki Circles/ Group Meditations/ Women’s groups: To stay up to date with more events, or group sessions via social media, as they are offered on a monthly or bymonthly basis. Use instagram or email to catch up to the latests news on my Reiki gatherings, women’s virtual groups, psychoeducational workshops and other special events.